Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dave Barnes

A couple of weeks ago Michael, myself and a couple of friends got to go see Dave Barnes here in Dallas. Michael and I got to go see him a couple of months ago and loved him live. If he comes close to your area, I highly recommend checking it out!
Here are some pics from the concert!

The best part of this concert was it was free, but there is a funny story to go with it! About 3 days before the concert I logged on to my Myspace account and saw a bulletin that Dave Barnes was coming to Dallas and giving a free concert at FBC Dowtown Dallas. I got so excited!!! I mean honestly, how cool am I...keeping up with my Myspace account and getting us into a free concert! :) Well, we show up to the concert and quickly realize we are by far the oldest people there by atleast 6-8 years. Yes...I got us in free to a concert for the middle school and high school youth group of FBC!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that is the moment that I felt too old to have a myspace.

1 comment:

Denyse said...

That makes me laugh out loud. Joel is always giving HannahKate a hard time by saying, "MySpace is sooooo last year!" All I can say is that I hope I don't outgrow Facebook!