Saturday, September 13, 2008

You Know Your a Medical Student Spouse When...

I've decided that I'm missing prime opportunities to give you a look into real life medical student ways, so I'm going to try and post once a week about being a medical student spouse. I can't promise I'll alwasy be that dedicated to it, but most of you ask what it's like to be married to a med student, so I will do my best to portray that to you.

As soon as people find out that Michael is in med school, they do 3 things....

1st: they generally think it's pretty cool and then they start to tell me or him about some symptons they've had lately and want a diagnosis. He's only in his 2nd year people! So funny!

2nd: they ask what's the grossest thing his scene? We proceed to tell them and we know we've gone to far when they are gagging! :)

3rd: they always have to through out some really high statisic of the divorce rate for doctors. Thank you, that really helps us out, really!

I honestly can't say I blame people for sharing their own opinions or perspectives, but a lot of times they don't know us, they don't know our marriage. I just have to realize that they honestly are probably trying to help!


Paige said...

you gotta love people and their opinions sometimes. Over the past 5.5 years of being an Army wife I have def heard my share of stories of failed marriages, the struggles of an Army life even those that ask how many people Mark has killed in Iraq....seriously people:)

Denyse said...

The next time someone quotes you a statistic, you should burst into tears and say something like, "Oh! and I thought we were the only ones having problems!" *sniff* If you make a big enough scene, they'll back away slowly and hopefully think twice before imparting wisdom again. :) But while we're at it, I've been having this pain in my shoulder...