Sunday, October 26, 2008

7 Wonderful Years!

Today marks mine and Michael's 7 year dating anniversary. We haven't celebrated this anniversary since we got married, but I thought it definitely needed to be recognized. There are not many couples our age who have known each other for that long, much less dated! On Oct. 26, 2001 we had our first "official" date! We went to Homecoming together. Well, actually Michael played football so we met at my house after the game and had a fancy dinner consisting of Taco Bell with Mark and Paige Shepherd!

We have been together through just about every major milestone in each other's lives so far...High School Graduations, getting the college acceptance letters, the fun trials of having a long distance relationship during college, internships, College Graduations, my first "real" job, engagement, our first home, marriage, and now medical school!

It has been a fabulous 7 years together and I can't wait to share in many more milestones with my wonderful hubby! I love you baby!

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