Michael and I don't get too much time for tv, but we do love relaxing weekends where we can catch up on our DVR list from the previous weeks. We love Fall for many reasons, but probably the top 3 reasons are Football, College Football, and all our favorite shows are back on!
24- This is definitely our favorite show! I have said for a long time that our first born son is going to be named Jack Bauer and a lot of people think I'm kidding, but seriously watch the show and you will know why! :)
The Office- #2 on our list of favorite shows! Simply put...the most hilarious show I've ever watched. There is a group at my work that meet every Friday morning for breakfast and recap our favorite moments of Thursday nights episode!
Heroes- Michael and I bought the first season on dvd last year and we got hooked. Pretty creepy at times, but addicting. If you haven't watched it I do recommend it, but you might want to rent the first 2 seasons on dvd to understand everything.
Grey's Anatomy- I loved the first 2 seasons of Grey's, but I think this one might be cut this year. Michael has always hated it because of how unrealistic it is and totally not the "real" hospital world, but I got hooked early on. I will admit I am really disappointed in the last 2 seasons of Grey's...why must they keep dragging it out.? Seriously Meredith...make up your mind!!! Oh and don't get me started on the whole icicle incident with Christina!
NFL & College Football- this consumes most of our time!
Jon & Kate Plus Eight- Love it! I can watch this show all the time...never gets old to me. The kids are absolutely adorable and I love how organized Jon and Kate are. I don't necessarily always like the way Kate talks to Jon, but hey...the have 8 kids!
Lost- This is on the top of Michael's list. I watched the first season and loved it, but once they started adding people to the island I got bored with it and stopped watching. Once I got married, Michael caught me up on the previous seasons I missed and now it's back on my list. It is finally going places since they put a definite cut-off date.
The Hills- I got hooked Laguna Beach in college and of course had to follow LC when she got her own spin-off show. As Michael puts it every time I turn on this show..."you would never be friends with these people," but I just love their "drama"!
Fringe- This is a new show on Fox (I think) and it's made by the same guy who created Lost. I think JJ Abrams must be a pretty crazy man to come up with such creepy shows. Still new, but so far we like it!
Am I missing any?
I love the Office! But my TiVo doesn't really get warmed up until spring when American Idol comes on.
Love the new layout! :)
so funny..Mark loves heros, and I just can't get into to, but I do enjoy Grey's..well actually I LOVE it! except the whole icicle thing...seriously:) And i am quickly becoming a fan of the Office..I think you forgot Antique Roadshow:)
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